20 de abr. de 20161 min de leitura
Growth analysis of potted gerbera conducted with mineral fertilization and organic fertigation
Acesse o artigo completo em: https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-16202016000100010
10 de abr. de 20161 min de leitura
Hypercalcemic treatment in post parathyroidectomy renal disease: case report
Acesse o artigo completo em: http://revista.nutricion.org/PDF/soaresdesousa.pdf
17 de mar. de 20161 min de leitura
Partial diallel analysis among maize lines for characteristics related to the tassel and the product
Acesse o artigo completo em: https://doi.org/10.5897/AJAR2014.10314