14 de out. de 20161 min de leitura
Budgeting of Civil Construction Works in Brazil: Linear Correlation Assigned to the Market Cost and
Acesse o artigo completo em: http://ijens.org/IJCEE%20Vol%2016%20Issue%2005.html
12 de out. de 20161 min de leitura
Forage accumulation, tillering and bromatological characteristics of Brachiaria grass under nitrogen
Acesse o artigo completo em: http://cientifica.org.br/index.php/cientifica/article/view/879
29 de set. de 20161 min de leitura
Comparative Study of the Physicochemical Properties of FAME from Seed Oils of Some Native Species of
Acesso ao artigo completo em: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11746-016-2905-7